Project Management

  • Job creation and numbering (No duplication)
  • Full process from accepting a job to closing with all payments collected
  • Order confirmation for reliable ordering
  • Install scheduling with Man Hours (Automatically calculated for each job by WinFlowTM)
  • Print user defined labor packets automatically – reduce errors
  • Track Mis-measured and partially completed job
  • Search Jobs by Name, Number, Street, City, On-hold and many more fields. Work on job immediately
  • Installer skill matching technology – match installers to the right job they can do.
  • Tracking payments for sales reps & Installers – never over pay your reps!

  • Job Charge Back & Extra Payments to sales reps and installers
  • Mis-Measure window automatic charge back and tracking to sales rep or to person who measured the job
  • Contract Change Commission automatic charge back and tracking
  • Put job(s) on hold – this stops any work to be done until it is released, including payments
  • Accurately track job cost at any time with a single click of a button
  • Customer Care – Automatically send “Thank you” email / letter with payment receipt or contract copy
  • Track job by who measured it with ability to schedule installer who measured it
  • Now with Divisions