
  • A/R module makes sure the job is completely collected before closing
  • Export data to Quickbooks in summary format
  • Deposit Center – Makes sure each deposit is made and matches with your bank deposit
  • Export data in Quickbooks in detail format with single file (Inventory items management)
  • Accountants Module – Single location for all payment for Sales Reps, Window Invoices and Installer payment.
  • Accountant Module – Sales Reps payment section contains the following:
    - Commission payment or deductions due to change in contract for each job
    - Track mis-measure charge back, manual charge back and extra payment
    - Warning for overpayment on a job and/or when a job is in recession
  • Accountant Module – Window Invoice payment contains the following:
    - Track each confirmation with payment to be made (calculates tax and deducts discount)
    - Exposes incorrect invoice, parts invoice, mis-measure invoice by exclusion
    - Tracks # windows order and makes sure no extra windows were ordered.
  • Accept partial or fully financed jobs – ability to track multiple finance companies
  • Accountant Module – Installers payment section contains the following:
    - Labor payment and/or deductions due to installer for each job
    - Warns overpayment of job – above the negotiated labor with installer